Senin, 21 Mei 2012


Dont know what im feelin right now..

Because no one seems understand
Even though my self
I'm not expect me to be perfect person in this world
but.. jealousy come when i saw the girl that have a simply cute room
and she's like treat her room so well
she's cute, got a lot of friends, got a bunch of pals,
look so kind, sweet and smart

but i think, she is think that she is so unperfect
when in fact its not.

Maybe im unperfect or ordinary-less
if i stand in other side with her

this feelin that i said "Heartless" as a pronoun haha
even i dont want to laugh now /,,\


Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

While i take a breath ...

So, udah hampir 6 bulan ( ENAM BULANNN  lama banget kan -___-; ) terakhir ini gue disibukan dengan Buku Taunan, dengan muka muka anak SMKN 3 Bogor, SMPN 1 Bogor, SD Bina Insani (ooh, mau pamer???) ah bukan gitu cantik. Tapi gue memang berkecibaku dengan muka mereka setiap hari. Banyak banget suka dukanya .

 mau tau ?

(mau tau ga yaaa) kalau mau tau juga nanti gue postNya ya . Kalau udah pada release semua tuh buku baru gue kasi tau HaHaHa

Eh, jadiiiiiii yang mau di share tuh tentang While i take a breathe from a "little" spare time that i have. jadi iseng iseng gambar, niatnya sih mau bikin Hana Tajima Simpsons . Tapi malah begini hasilnya hehehe
Check this one out :D

Hahaha itu juga baru tau bangettt cara buat line art di photoshop (ckckck kemana ajeeee)
dan di coloring dehh :D